Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nobody's Perfect

Children are the variable in the scientific experiment of being a parent that you really can not predict the outcome. You may know if you add an element of values, an element of love and an element of discipline you have a pretty good shot at success. But, we really do not know until they grow up and sometimes after they grow up. Sometimes something happens that makes you realize the lesson really hasn't been learned yet and it scares you for that child's future. Maybe that is because when you become a parent everything becomes important down to bowel movements, or maybe because we are well aware how important the formative years are. I had such an experience this week:

Oh Little Child

Oh little child with eyes so black,
I refuse to give you back,
To ways so cold and not so nice,
I’m going to love away your ice,

We’ve come so far, and back a little.

Oh little child with hair so black,
I will not let your wrongs to stack,
I’m going to love you anyway,
And greet you with a smile this day.

It’s not too late, you’re still little.

Oh little child with heart so black,
The light is shining the dark back,
I see you want to do what’s right,
Take my hand, together we’ll fight.

Your soul has never been little.

*(I am sure that the hair and eye color can be changed to fit each of my children from time to time)

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