Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do those Yogurts Really Work?

Due to the Mitochondrial Disease and genetics that pre-dispose all my kids to Reflux and Dismotility, my children have had to all use medications ranging from Mirolax to Reglan. When our Paris was having liver symptoms her Hepatologist recommended we put her on a probiotic and at the time there was only one brand she recommended that actually worked, which was about 25.00 a box. Paris has been on Reglan for years now, luckily without the nasty side effects, but I'm always looking for a more natural way as the only consistent treatment for Mitochondrial Disease is a vitamin cocktail - we are one of the lucky families where this actually makes a difference for us. So, with all the new Yogurts in commericals with probiotics I thought I would give it a try. My sister told me about Keffer brand yogurt drink which has been effective for her family. I am now giving my girls little "shots" of yogurt drinks (I have tried the Keffer and Activia brands)every other night and have not had to use Mirolax or Reglan for any of them since. It is so wonderful not to have little girls complaining of tummy aches on a daily basis. Knock on wood that it keeps working, but worth a try if a natural way that can boost immunity works!

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